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Should I call for an Ambulance?

View information on when to call an ambulance


When calling please select from one of the following options:

  • Please press 1 to book a blood test, after 10am
  • Please press 2 for prescription queries between 10am and 12.30pm
  • Please press 3 to speak to a medical secretary for referral queries or for results between 2.30pm and 4pm
  • Please press 4 for registration, insurance and general admin enquiries between 10am and 12.30pm and between 2pm and 5pm
  • Please press 5 if you wish to request a home visit
  • Please press 6 to book a face to face appointment or telephone appointment with one of our clinicians
  • Please press 7 to repeat this menu

If you are unsure please hold for the next available staff member who will be happy to help you



Both practices are modern and afford access for disabled patients. Disabled toilet facilities are available. All treatment and consulting rooms are located on the ground floor.

The car park has disabled parking bays.

Read our Access Policy


Call A Doctor Urgently

To call a Doctor in an acute Emergency call 01732 459 255 (Sevenoaks) 01959 563 811 (Brasted) during the following hours:

  • Sevenoaks:
    • 8am to 12:30pm and 2pm to 6:30pm (Monday to Friday)
  • Brasted:
    • 8:30am to 12:30pm and 2:30pm to 6:30pm (Monday)   
    • 8:30am to 12:30pm and 2:30pm to 5pm (Tuesday to Thursday) 
    • 8:30am to 12:30pm (Friday)

The receptionist will take appropriate action to contact a doctor immediately.


Useful Contacts

  • Age UK - 0800 169 2081
  • Childline - 0800 1111
  • Samaritans - 116 123
  • Kent County Council: Social Care & Health for Children - 03000 411111
  • Kent County Council: Social Care & Health for Adults  - 03000 416161
  • Princess Royal Hospital - 01689 863000
  • Maidstone Hospital - 01622 729000
  • Tunbridge Wells Hospital - 01892 823535
  • Sevenoaks Hospital - 01732 470200
  • Sevenoaks Hospital Minor Injuries Unit - 01732 459956 / 01732 470203

Visitor Information

UK Residents

If you are in the area for a short time and require medical treatment you are able to register with this practice as a temporary resident. This gives you the same access to general medical services as registered patients but either for a period of 24 hours up to 15 days, or between 15 days and three months. If you are going to be in the area for longer than three months you should register fully with a GP.

If you are registered with another practice locally it is essential that you to attend your own practice where your medical notes are available.


Overseas Visitors & Emergency Treatment for Foreign Visitors

People from abroad are eligible for free treatment on the NHS in the case of an emergency. Broadly, this means that if, in the opinion of the GP, your condition requires emergency treatment you will not be charged for a consultation with the GP. If you require treatment or medication for a pre-existing condition you will be charged a fee, which then should be claimed back via your insurance company. 

Please note that these conditions also apply to British nationals living abroad.