Patient Group Minutes




Meeting: Monday 26 February 2024, 6pm to 7:30pm

In attendance 

For the Practice: Ravi Iyer (RI), Dr Kaushal Kansagra (KK – part time)

For the PPG: Melanie McInerney (MM - Chair), Simon Bull (SB), Rosie Claxton (RC), Caro Cluskey (CC), Tony Hayday (TH – part time), Andrew Scott-Clark (ASC), Nick Thorne (NT - Secretary)

Apologies: None


1. Welcome & apologies for absence

Since the last meeting, Wendy Bardell, David Townsend and Richard Mais have stepped down. The PPG expressed thanks for their contributions, recognising Wendy’s significant 3-year role as Chair and Secretary. Thanks have been sent by the surgery to Wendy, David and Richard for their respective contributions to the PPG.


2. Appointment of Chair & Secretary

Melanie was appointed Chair and Nick Secretary, each to act until the September AGM


3. Approval of new Terms of Reference

Agreed but some further possible tightening of the overall PPG Policy document, including removal of section 1.2 which applies to employees, to be drafted and tabled at the September AGM

Discussion of the Confidentiality Agreement highlighted the need for a similar document to be prepared and signed by any non-PPG volunteers helping with the annual injection logistics, as patients are prone to disclose clinical information to them


4. Review of MM discussion paper

MM to meet with Partners in her new role.

NT to manage electronic communications and correspondence with the PPG email address.

Advise PPG of significant changes (eg restoration of Travel Clinic) before announcement to all patients.

A series of deep dives will be introduced to look at key activities that are important to patients. This will involve understanding the processes from both patient & practice perspectives, how they are explained on the website etc and will identify if any enhancements can be made. It was agreed to start this as a trial by looking at ‘Getting appointments’ and will include comparison of KPIs for the practice compared to the National Opinion Survey statistics on access, and recommend a plan.

Each member to act as PPG liaison person with a defined group of Practice staff; communicate this to staff: 

  • Doctors and Pharmacists
  • Nurses
  • Brasted
  • Receptionists (AMP & Brasted)
  • Secretaries
  • Admin

Review this initiative after 6 months

Consider when relevant expertise of PPG members (eg IT, finance, business) could assist Partners


5. Approval of minutes of 13 November 2023 meeting

Approved subject to correcting spelling of members’ names and wording of discussion on car park proposals


6. Matters arising from last meeting

6a Digital inclusion

No further action with KCC.

Practice to decide whether they wish to trial perhaps monthly half-day sessions for Simon to help patients with using relevant IT apps

6b Paediatric Immunisations survey

Post results on website RI

6c New member/s

A couple of possibles already, but ask Doctors for suggestions

6d Seasonal Clinical Newsletter

Aim to publish by email in Spring and Autumn ASC

6e Car park

Mainly an issue at vaccination clinics as patients tend to arrive early, putting pressure on spaces.

No final decision by Partners as yet, but lighting also being considered; carry forward to next PPG meeting

6f Noticeboard

Noticeboard with LED light over to be installed on wall by COSHH cupboard – 4 x A4 size with provision for comment/suggestion cards

Initial content and ongoing revisions to be designed by MM, CC 

Collect postcards for comments/suggestions to PPG from Receptionists and forward content to NT


7. New items for discussion

7a Practice update

Interviewing in progress for replacements for Dr Tosh (leaving endMay) and Dr Jackson (end-April)

Other staff changes:

Beatrice has joined as Practice Nurse, allowing the restoration of the Travel Clinic; also some new reception staff.

All staff now to wear first-name badges

7b New initiatives

AccuRx will replace eConsult from 4 March; it should be simpler for patients, with far fewer questions to be answered. PPG review at next meeting

7c Feedback received

Case of patient sent to Maidstone for ECG when both the Practice’s ECG machines were out of service to be investigated

7d Suspected Cancer Patient leaflet


7e Newsletter items

Suggested to include: switch to AccuRx, Travel Clinic, new staff with photos and bio

New targets for 6-monthly publication June and January, to avoid holidays and clashing with Seasonal Clinical Newsletter


8. Any other business

Meeting dates for rest of 2024:

13 May, 9 September (AGM) and 9 December – confirm OK by 1 March to NT

Cake sale:

This was a popular initiative - timing and method for a rerun to be devised