Health and Safety Policy




General Public

  • To employ only trained staff (or trainees that are supervised by a suitably qualified person)
  • To provide suitably safe facilities and equipment [that has regular safety checks]
  • To have established procedures for evacuation of the premises in case of an emergency
  • To have Infection control procedures in place


  • To provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities
  • To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
  • To provide and maintain safe plant and equipment
  • To ensure safe handling and use of substances
  • To provide information, instruction and supervision for employees
  • To ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training
  • To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
  • To maintain safe and healthy working conditions

Specific Arrangement

  • All work areas to be kept clean and tidy
  • All rubbish to be cleaned away
  • All gangways and staircases to be kept clear at all times
  • All spillages of water, chemicals or other substances to be cleared immediately with due respect to the content of the material spoilt
  • No machinery or other equipment to be run without necessary guards and safety equipment in position and in full working order
  • Excepting for clinical emergencies, no person will be allowed on site under the influence of alcohol and/or non-prescribed drugs
  • To establish and maintain fire extinguisher and fire points
  • To prevent accidents and cases of work related ill health
  • To record any accidents in the Accident Book and immediately report any such accident to the Practice Manager
  • To review and revise this policy as appropriate at regular intervals

Infection Prevention & Control Statement

The purpose of this Statement is to share information regarding the Amherst Medical Practice’s management and monitoring of infection prevention and control. The AMP provides and maintains a clean and appropriate environment that facilitates the prevention and control of infection. This environment promotes the safety of service users, staff and visitors.

This annual statement will be reviewed each year in August and will summarise

  • Any infection transmission incidents and action taken
  • Details of infection control audits undertaken and actions taken
  • Details of risk assessments undertaken
  • Details of staff training
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines


The Amherst Medical Practice Lead for Infection Prevention and Control is Rebecca Adams. There is an IPC committee which meets three times a year, the committee members are Rebecca Adams, Cathy Todman Assistant PM and Rapid Commercial Cleaning Services Ltd.


Significant Events

In the last year 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024 there have been no significant events raised that relate to infection control.


Audits and Reviews

  • An Infection Prevention and Control in General Practice audit was carried out by Rebecca Adams (Nurse Practitioner) in March and April 2023. This audit highlighted some areas of the Amherst and Brasted building to improve on. The partners are aware.
  • A review of Minor surgical and LARC procedures and post procedure infections is undertaken by the GPs providing the service

Staff Training

We provide IPC training for all staff. All clinical staff completes annual online learning, with a yearly update on hand washing technique. Reception and non-clinical staff receive training and a short teaching session annually on hand washing.


Risk Assessments

The AMP carry out risk assessments and maintain policies for nursing procedures. With the building improvements and the clinical rooms being used by other health care organisation we ensure they maintain the same standards.



The AMP employ a private contractor to clean their premises and they are responsible for the cleaning of both sites. There is a monitoring system and all staff are asked to carry out regular visual checks to ensure the standards of cleanliness and hygiene are maintained. There is a book in the nurse’s clinical area to report any areas requiring additional cleaning. Clinical areas receive a deep clean every weekend we have a clear desk policy on a Friday. We welcome feedback from our patients.


Policies and Guidelines

Policies relating to Infection Prevention and control are reviewed and updated annually and can be amended on an ongoing basis according to current advice, guidance and legislative changes.

Rebecca Adams (Nurse Practitioner)